Introducing Raja Miah

Described a dangerous man by leaders in the Labour Party, Raja Miah educates working-class white communities and anti sectarians from black and ethnic minority backgrounds to hold politicians to account and safeguard communities from the real extremists.

Nationally recognised for his expertise in tackling extremism, safeguarding children, and strengthening communities, Raja has worked with world leaders, including UK Prime Ministers and Secretaries of State. At just 30 years old, he was awarded an MBE for his services to the community.

With over 25 years of experience, Raja has dedicated his career to supporting marginalised communities, often dismissed as racist. He has created platforms for working-class voices ignored by politicians and policy-makers.

Despite censorship and mainstream media blackouts, Raja’s explosive Welcome to Oldham series reached over 1 million viewers, uncovering the truth about grooming gangs, local government corruption, and the divisive tactics of political elites.

In recent years, he has led successful grassroots campaigns to oust successive Labour leaders from safe seats in Oldham, directly challenging the establishment's hold on power. His work has exposed how some Labour Party politicians have courted block Asian votes at the expense of other communities.

Knowledge & Expertise

  • Red Wall and the Rabble

    Subscription based newsletter with weekly articles, podcasts and transmissions sharing news that the establishment media refuse to print

  • Patreon

    Daily social media updates, live chat and discussions hosted on Patreon. A safe space away from the mainstream social media platforms.

  • Masterclasses for the Masses

    A programme of in person masterclasses delivered by Raja Miah. Can't make it in person? Sign up to the online workshops instead.

Masterclasses for the Masses

Racial Resilience for White People

Stand Up, Speak Out, and Help Safeguard Your Community

With a choice of either one evening a week over 6 weeks, or a full weekend residential, this pilot in the newly launched Masterclass for the Masses series will teach you:

💥 How to effectively raise your voice against the issues threatening the United Kingdom and our liberal Western democracy

💥 Strategies to safeguard yourself from being falsely labeled an extremist by politicians desperate to silence legitimate grievances

💥 Practical tools to defend your community from real extremist threats

Limited spots available – Register now to secure your place.

PLEASE NOTE: This masterclass is also open to members of Black and minority ethnic backgrounds who oppose the rise of sectarian politics and the extremist takeover of their communities through the actions of corrupt politicians.

What is Racial Resilience?

The ability to navigate, resist, and respond to racialised attacks, accusations, and narratives that aim to silence or demonise people. Racial resilience empowers participants to confidently express legitimate concerns, especially around issues like national identity and community welfare, without fear of being unfairly labeled as extremists or racists. Through racial resilience, participants develop:

Communication strategies to effectively voice concerns on issues like grooming gangs, political corruption, or community safety, while avoiding false accusations of racism.

Defensive tactics against political and media-driven campaigns that use race as a weapon to discredit dissent.

Self-protection and community safeguarding measures against both external threats and exploitation by extremists seeking to hijack their cause.

Understanding of the racial dynamics that the establishment uses to divide communities and marginalise legitimate grievances.

Racial resilience is about standing firm in the face of adversity, ensuring that legitimate issues are heard, and helping protect vulnerable communities without being derailed by accusations seeking to silence debate

Register Interest Now

Ready to learn from the expert who defied the establishment and helped remove three successive Council leaders from power?

👉 Sign up now for the Racial Resilience for White People Masterclass, and take part in this movement to safeguard the future of the UK.

Limited spots available – Register today!