Burnham's Smoke and McMahon's Mirrors

Exposing the Labour Party Cover Up of the Cover Up of the Gang Rape of Working Class White Girls in Oldham


The BBC drama "Three Girls" shed light on the shocking stories of victims of grooming and sexual abuse in Rochdale, triggering a nationwide outcry. Surprisingly, instead of demanding a public inquiry from the government, Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham initiated an Assurance Review. Given Burnham's involvement in the Hillsborough justice campaign, it is evident that he understood the limitations of such a review. So, why did he choose this path?

Revealing the Flaws:

The subsequent Assurance Reviews exposed significant flaws in the process. Aided by the efforts of Andy Burnham's team to manipulate and deflect attention, no individual was held accountable. Even in Manchester, the team of so-called "expert" investigators failed to identify the person(s) responsible for closing down an investigation into 97 confirmed child sex abusers.

The second review in Oldham was even worse, with repeated claims denying a cover-up, while the report clearly revealed multiple instances of cover-ups. Shockingly, despite Sean Fielding's now infamous claim of 'bare faced lies', children were groomed and gang-raped in Oldham. Greater Manchester Police knew. Jim McMahon and his Council knew. Even the BBC and local media knew. All conspired with each other and kept it hidden from parents. McMahon's team at Oldham Council went as far as suppressing the news. Burnham's team were even forced to acknowledge that senior Oldham Council officers sought to exclude survivors from giving testimony, further highlighting the gravity of the situation.

Lack of Justice:

Forget any perpetrators being successfully prosecuted, despite repeated apologies from Greater Manchester Police and Council leaders, not a single politician or public official has faced any form of action against them. Even immediately after the publication of the Oldham report, Jim McMahon and Debbie Abrahams led a debate in Parliament, attempting to discredit those who exposed their failings by branding them as racists and Far Right activists.

The Power of the People:

Oldham, unlike its cosmopolitan neighbour Manchester, is a historically radical and also socially conservative town where its people hold uncompromising values and a firm commitment to distinguishing right from wrong. Over the past five years, a working-class insurgency has emerged, challenging McMahon, the Labour Party-controlled council, the local media, and the police. Despite unlawful actions by Greater Manchester Police interfering in the democratic process, the campaign has decimated the Labour Party. Three successive council leaders have been ousted, and the Labour Party majority on the Council has been reduced to just two seats. With Raja Miah MBE announcing his candidacy, even McMahon's once secure parliamentary seat is now at risk.

Underestimating the People:

Both Burnham and McMahon underestimated a people they failed to understand. Taken for granted as Labour Party supporters, they overlooked the fact that the cover-up of the gang rape of the town's children was a line that should never have been crossed. The town has mobilised, with politically educated pensioners surpassing their counterparts in south Manchester, leading to tactical voting and the removal of Labour councillors throughout the borough. Even attempts to prevent people from attending public council meetings, and issuing unlawful ASBIs to citizens for crimes such as daring to look at a Councillor and wag a finger, has failed to silence the growing opposition to what is now a modern day tyranny.

Demand for Justice:

Despite three refusals for government intervention by Fielding, Shah, and Chadderton, who all faced the consequences at the ballot box for their actions, the townsfolk demand for a public inquiry has only become more resolute. In the lead up to the latest election, in a deceitful attempt to manipulate public opinion, the Labour Party attempted blurring the lines between a public inquiry and an assurance review. They failed.

Their remaining councillors are now desperately trying to block the next motion to call in the government and commence a public inquiry. The reason behind their actions is clear. Previously, only Keir Starmer's Shadow Minister, Jim McMahon, faced incrimination, but now, as a consequence of his actions, GM Mayor Andy Burnham's political future is also at risk. If a former Prime Minister can be held accountable, so too can the aspiring "King of the North."

The Voice of the People:

Not only do the people of the town resist outside the council chamber, but they also now have a voice within it. In the strangest of political twists, new Independents are allied with Oldham Conservatives in their quest for justice. Together, they are committed to holding to account every Labour Party politician involved in the cover up of the gang rape of the town's children. With the Labour Party still in control of the town, and GMP continuing their Stasi like actions against Raja Miah who refuse to be intimidated despite repeated unlawful arrests, the chances of success are slim. But since when has that stopped decent people, particularly from Oldham, from standing up for what is right?


The Rape Gang scandal and the subsequent Labour Party cover-ups has ignited a powerful movement in Oldham. The people's determination to seek justice and hold those responsible accountable has resulted in significant political consequences. The failures of Burnham, McMahon, and the Labour Party have not gone unnoticed. As the town's voice grows stronger, the demand for a Public Inquiry remains unyielding. The power of the people cannot be underestimated, and our pursuit of justice will continue until the truth is revealed and those responsible are brought to justice. Be in no doubt whatsoever, we are taking our town back.


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