Unveiling Betrayal: More Truths Behind Oldham's CSE Cover Up

A damning statement by MAGGIE OLIVER, renowned for her advocacy in supporting survivors of the rape gangs, has shed light on the concerning lack of consultation with her and her foundation regarding Oldham Council's claims at the first council meeting that saw Shah return as leader.

"I want to make it clear that I have not spoken to anyone at Oldham Council about this matter and no permission was given by me, or anyone at the Foundation, to mention us in the meeting last night." - Maggie Oliver

Lies, deceit or manipulation:

MAGGIE OLIVER is clear, neither she nor her foundation were pleased with Council leader AROOJ SHAH and Royton South Lazarus Labour politician STEVEN 'Barrelgate' BASHFORTH using them as part of their speeches blocking another attempt at a Public Inquiry into the cover up of the gang rape of the town's children.

Furthermore, not satisfied with criticising Oldham Council for their manipulation, MAGGIE OLIVER went further and unequivocally condemned the Oldham Assurance Review. By highlighting one of its critical failings, the suppression of survivors' testimonies, the country's leading CSE survivor's advocate has sided with campaigners that have criticised ANDY BURNHAM's Assurance Review in Oldham for its serious failings.

Silencing Survivors:

In her statement, MAGGIE OLIVER clarifies that neither she nor her foundation supports the Assurance Review into historical CSE in Oldham. She reveals a troubling revelation: how Oldham Council actively worked to prevent victims from providing evidence during the review. Maggie's words speak volumes about the extent to which authorities will go to silence victims and conceal the failures of the police and other statutory agencies.

As I said in the statement released at the time, Oldham Council repeatedly tried to silence the survivor Sam, known also as ‘Sophie’ and it was only through my personal advocacy, and my relationship with the review team, which led to her being interviewed by them. The Council had told the review team that Sam was not prepared to speak to them as she was suicidal. This was completely untrue but it clearly shows the depths to which the authorities will still go in their attempts to silence victims and cover up failings and wrongdoings by the police and other statutory agencies...the eleven survivors included in the review are undoubtedly not the only ones, and of these eleven, only Sam was actually given a voice and the opportunity to speak in the review, which is truly shocking to me.

Questionable Council Meeting:

During a council meeting, in addition to AROOJ SHAH hiding behind MAGGIE OLIVER, Cllr STEVEN BASHFORTH clearly stated that "the UK government are with us on this, and so is the highly respected Maggie Oliver Trust". Both their statements led many Oldhamers to believe that the Maggie Oliver Foundation supported Labour's blocking of opposition councillors' attempts to call for a Public Inquiry. However, Maggie's recent statement makes it clear that not only is this assumption is entirely false, the Council have not even spoken with her or her Foundation regarding the matter.

Press Release Controversy:

Following Maggie's statement, AROOJ SHAH hastily released a press release claiming that part of her speech was "misconstrued." She is just the latest in a long line of Oldham's leaders to claim she was misquoted. her predecessor AMANDA CHADDERTON did the same last year when quoted as stating 'you can't say it (being gang raped) destroyed their lives'. Prior to her, SEAN FIELDING's comments are perhaps the most infamous where he claimed 'bare faced lies' in response to the since confirmed very much anything but lies of the gang rape of Oldham's children.

In predictable fashion, desperately attempting to protect their paymasters, both the Oldham Times and Manchester Evening News have published stories that omit key information from MAGGIE OLIVER's statement. Likewise, whilst the Oldham Times fails to attribute a named reporter to their articles and instead refers to 'Staff Writer', the Manchester Evening News reporter named is the disgraced CHARLOTTE GREEN who herself is neck deep in the cover up.

Neither article attempts to explain away what Cllr BASHFORTH said. Even the unnamed staff reporter and the taxpayer funded CHARLOTTE GREEN know it is difficult to overlook the stark truth presented in Cllr STEVEN BASHFORTH's speech.

Already under scrutiny after his change of stance, from supporting a Public Inquiry before his reelection to now opposing it, legitimate concerns exist amongst the public towards the integrity of the Labour Party veteran. In the lead up to this May's elections, many voters were led to believe how the Councillor was at death's door.

Demanding Accountability:

It is imperative that the townsfolk hold AROOJ SHAH and her rape gang protecting Labour Party run Council accountable for their actions. The attempt to deflect blame and hide behind legitimate agencies is a familiar tactic that undermines transparency and trust. The residents of Oldham deserve open and honest representation, free from political manipulation such as this. Anyone viewing Wednesday night's council meeting would clearly see how it was a travesty for democracy.

Starting with SHAH refusing to answer questions regarding the nature of her relationship with the convicted heroin dealing getaway driver of a cop killer, the situation escalated to her Deputy refusing to answer if the town's leaders would go to Oldham Pride. Instead of supporting Oldham's LGBT+ community, Cllr SHAID MUSHTAQ claimed the question was racist! The car crash meeting was well in swing long before the CSE motion started. Matters only got worse as proceedings were repeatedly interrupted from the Public Gallery by the anguished screams of whistleblowers and survivors, before the actions of mother of a child who committed suicide after being groomed and raped resulted in the meeting being repeatedly adjourned. The meeting eventually concluded, with all members of the public excluded, in a Council bunker. With aggression and prejudices in full display, many observers noted that all that was missing were the Nazi uniforms.


The truth behind the horror show that is AROOJ SHAH's Labour Party run administration has been unveiled at the first full Council meeting. Exposing the lack of consultation with Maggie Oliver and the suppression of survivors' voices is just the latest in a long series of damning actions of a council that is out of control. Attempts to mislead and silence those seeking justice are areas SHAH and her associates excel at.

Instead of being ashamed at MAGGIE OLIVER's intervention, they are now attempting to use her statement to claim that MAGGIE OLIVER does not support a Public Inquiry. Once again twisting the truth, anyone who reads the statement will see that what Maggie means is that she doubts even a Public Inquiry will lead to justice for victims or punishment for those involved in the cover up.

Oldham's administration, led by AROOJ SHAH, has been exposed once again. Continuing on from her predecessors, there is no sign that she or her council colleagues will address the concerns of the community, restore transparency, or reestablish faith in the pursuit of truth. The residents of Oldham deserve an administration committed to justice for survivors of CSE and a renewed dedication to restoring faith in their leadership. Unfortunately, under this block vote reliant Labour administration, the chances that this will happen diminish more each passing day.


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