Justice is Coming

After leading the campaign to remove three successive Labour Party leaders of Oldham Council, I am now standing for MP for Oldham West, Chadderton & Royton. My aim is to clean up corruption and remove from power Jim McMahon MP and his Block Vote dependent Labour Party from Oldham. Central to my campaign is forcing the government to launch a Public Inquiry into the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of our town’s children. What has been done in Oldham cannot be allowed to go unpunished, which is why I will not rest until we see justice for the people of this town.

My name is RAJA MIAH. For nearly 30 years I have helped keep our country safe from extremists and safeguard children from exploitation. During this time I have advised multiple government ministers and my work has been used to shape policy across the country. I could not look the other way once I was made aware of the cover up of child sexual exploitation in my home town.

Help me. Join us. This opportunity to defeat Labour and take back the town you hold dear will not come around again.
— Raja Miah MBE

Help Take Back Oldham

Do not ever let them try and convince you that we are powerless and there is nothing we can do to take back our town. When we started our campaign, the Labour Party control of Oldham was all but absolute. 5 years later, they are on the verge of losing control. Sign up now. Join us. Help take back Oldham.

Help Fund the Campaign

Thank you to everyone who continues to support me either through monthly subscriptions and/or directly to the campaign to raise funds to fight the next General Election. Within the first month we raised over £6,000. We now have enough to print the several rounds of 50,000 leaflets and post them through every letterbox in Oldham West, Chadderton & Royton.

Police, press and politicians have all failed to stop our campaign to take back our town. Over the last 5 years we have ousted 3 successive Council leaders, reduced the Labour Party majority on Oldham Council to just two seats and seen off multiple Council Chief Executives and their leadership teams. All have fled as a result of our campaigning for justice.

What we have achieved in Oldham has only been possible with the help of good people such as yourselves. Though all of my content is shared freely, some of you subscribe to me on YouTube from just 99p a month. Others have a subscription to my newsletter Red Wall & The Rabble. Then there is the as and when support I receive via Buy Me a Coffee as well as one off donations to help fund the election campaign. One recent donation was for £1,000!

I value every penny I receive and am ever grateful to everyone who has supported me and continues to support me. Without your help my work would not be possible. This is the link to the crowdfunder if you can help fund our election campaign. Please only financially support me if you are able to do so.